Announcing the HubSpot Integration for Amalgam


Jess Panogalinga


We are excited to announce that this week we released a new set of connectivity and reporting for HubSpot.

HubSpot is a leading growth platform that has been helping businesses grow better by aligning marketing, sales, and service teams for a more comprehensive view of the customer.

With its powerful suite of tools including email marketing, SEO, content management, social media, and analytics, HubSpot enables businesses to attract, engage, and delight customers. The application not only creates a cohesive customer experience but also provides insights that help businesses make data-driven decisions.

New Reports

While Amalgam has provided custom HubSpot reporting for several businesses for several years now, this release is the first general-use report available to any Amalgam user.

To cover as many potential use cases as possible, we’ve started with the broadest possible new report – a complete readout of all non-archived deals in your account.

This report contains every data field available for these reports, including custom fields you have defined, and including a few associated fields, like deal owner, company contacts, etc.

One ideal use case of this large export would be using it to create a pivot table. You could quickly and easily create a summary of deals by close date, salesperson, product segment, etc.

As always, this is only the beginning. If you or your clients use HubSpot extensively and you’d like to see some additional reports, we’d love to hear from you at [email protected]!

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