PortCo Comparison Template

PortCo Comparison Template

Simplify the collection and tracking of consistent KPIs across portfolio businesses.

Download the Template

Our templates work with Excel and Google Sheets. Just open them up, connect your tech stack, and watch them do the math for you.

Download the Template Now!

Our templates work with Excel and Google Sheets. Just open them up, connect your tech stack, and watch them do the math for you.

A common practice among funds is to have a consistent set of KPIs or line items they track for each Portfolio Company. Collecting this information for each business is often easier said than done.


This template provides a configurable comp template that can be linked directly to a set of Quickbooks financials to easily fill and populate each quarter. The process of gathering data can be done in a few moments, rather than being a manual chore that needs to be chased down by Founders and Associates with other things to do!


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Amalgam Staff



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The Hub makes finance teams more efficient. It’s a customizable platform that links your financial tools together to automate your financial process.

Evolving Your Financial Process

The Hub makes finance teams more efficient. It’s a customizable platform that links your financial tools together to automate your financial process.