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Getting Started

Installing the Google Sheets Plugin for your entire Organization

As an admin, you have the privilege of installing and managing plugins for your entire organization. In this guide, we’ll...

How does my Amalgam Account Work?

If you’re not familiar the Amalgam platform at all, here’s exactly what you can expect before getting started. Integrations In...

How do I add new Integrations?

Amalgam’s functionality relies on Integrations, or connections to other software tools you use in your day-to-day. Each Integration gives Amalgam...

How do I install the Excel Plugin?

Start by opening any Excel document (blank or otherwise). Next, navigate to the Home ribbon and locate the “Add-ins” or...

How do I install the Google Sheets plugin?

Start by opening up any Google Sheet, or by typing sheet.new into your URL bar (a handy trick we use...

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