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Account Management

How to Cancel your Account

If you no longer wish to use your Amalgam account, you can easily cancel it by following a few simple...

How to Change your Password

If you want to change your password, but haven’t forgotten it, you can do it very easily by clicking on...

How to Share Integrations with Other Users

If you have created an Integration, you may want to make that integration available to other users. Doing so is...

How Team Admins can Manage their Teams

If you are the first user to create a team, or if another team admin has selected you, you may...

How do I add new users to my team?

Amalgam users are organized into teams, representing the organizations using our platform. Teams come with useful features, making it easier...

How do I change my password?

Changing your password is simple in Amalgam. Simply go to our connections center website, log out if you haven’t already,...

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